Tuesday, January 1, 2013
As predicted 4 years ago by Carbon Manna Unlimited using the new term "Foreign Aid Micro Credit" (FAMC): “Mobile Money Helps To Address Food Shortages In Malawi”
Hello Carbon Manna(sm) Friends & Family --
As predicted by me 4 years ago in December 2008 on this very same blog, mobile money transfers are being used today [ finally ] to mitigate the pernicious effects of famine in Africa. Here is my detailed prediction / vision:
"The Foreign-Aid Micro Credit in a Time of Famine"
[ 19 December 2008 ]
And here is this week's news from Malawi reifying (making concrete) my suppositions from 2008 :
“Mobile Money Helps To Address Food Shortages In Malawi”
December 27, 2012
"The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has joined forces with the Government of Malawi and mobile telecommunications company Airtel to launch an innovative cash transfer programme to help more than 100,000 people affected by food shortages in central and southern Malawi. Funding for the initiative is being provided by UKAID [ DFID ]."
In sum & in short, in the coming years History will validate my premature speculations from loooong ago in this 300-page blog of mine many times.
So to see the Future, browse my "War and Peace" chronicle of the failings of traditional "microfinance", which means high-interest-rate micro-debt, which means micro-enslavement:
-->> http://carbonmanna.blogspot.com
And do join and contribute to the analogous LinkedIn group:
-->> Carbon Micro Credits / Carbon Manna group:
-->> http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/1794312/
Globally & warmly yours for the Year of the Snake [ 2013 ],
David Palella
David A. Palella
Founder [ Emeritus, Retired ]
San Diego, California
cell: 619-787-5767
email: dpalella@gmail.com
[ 9,500+ connections, 900+ endorsements ]
web site: http://www.carbonmanna.org
blog: http://carbonmanna.blogspot.com
Carbon Micro Credits / Carbon Manna group on LinkedIn:
Wall Street Journal article: "Power out of Africa" [ cf. pp. 3-4 ]
The "Micro" Revolutions Institute(SM) Established by Carbon Manna(SM)