Carbon Manna -- Two Novel Cell-phone-based Microfinance Mechanisms based on reduced use of non-renewable biomass fuel
Carbon Manna Unlimited's reduced-fuel-expense Micro-Savings Program, and separate Carbon-Micro-Offset Monetization System will provide timely and sustainable liquidity to the savings poor in East Africa
Daily Cash Savings on fuel of 15 - 40 U.S. cents/day will Sustainably Fund
Micro-Savings Programs in Kenya/East Africa and Allow Faster Repayment of Traditional Microfinance Loans
[from ideas conceived during November 2009]
We at Carbon Manna Unlimited in San Diego (a non-profit corporation) have developed two novel, universally-applicable, cell-phone- and NON-debt-based, highly-scalable forms of microfinance that we call the Carbon Manna(sm) System. They are:
(1) the Carbon Micro-PROFIT-Sharing System -- comprising monetization of 1,000s of aggregated carbon-micro-offsets via the European GS-VER market (Gold Standard - Voluntary Emission Reduction market); and
(2) the Reduced-fuel-expense Micro-Savings Program -- an SMS-based behavior-modification program that teaches families to bank their daily cash savings on fuel of 15 - 40 U.S. cents/day.
Both mechanisms are based on reduced combustion of non-renewable biomass fuel and employ a highly efficient, low-cost cook-stove custom designed by our for-profit sister company in Kenya, Carbon Manna Africa Ltd. The stoves are serialized and matched uniquely with each family's cell phone number.
Broadcast SMS messages and customized content regarding personal finance, public health, women & children's rights, nutrition, etc., will be sent to all families.
Monetized carbon offsets and cash fuel savings may be banked and converted back to cash as needed using existing MMT (Mobile Money Transfer) systems such as Safaricom's M-Pesa or Zain's ZAP systems in the case of East Africa.
The two mechanisms can be implemented sequentially -- the Micro-Savings Program immediately, and the Carbon Micro-PROFIT-Sharing System later as paperwork is completed for the carbon-offset market.
Our large-scale, pilot cook-stove project in Kenya (managed by Carbon Manna AFRICA Ltd.), which includes the ancestral hometown of President Obama, is in late-stage planning. See:
-->> http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Carbon-Manna-Unlimited-1065919.html
We plan to scale the Kenyan effort up to 100,000 - 250,000 families within 5 years.
Most notably, we believe these two novel microfinance mechanisms have a number of advantages over, and will scale much faster than, micro-debt, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.
Finally, in the case of corporate sponsors in the wireless or consumer products industries, Carbon Manna(sm) offers an auditable "ROI on CSR" investments, a rare result in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field.
In the case of individuals, donations to Carbon Manna Unlimited in San Diego (a California-incorporated public charity) are 100% tax-deductible through our umbrella 501c3 status with The GlobalGiving Foundation in Washington, DC.
We hope you will support our efforts in Kenya and/or some other part of the Developing World of interest to you. Being cell-phone- and markets-based, Carbon Manna(sm) is universally applicable.
More background about Carbon Manna(sm) may be found by visiting the links below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Globally & warmly yours, David Palella
David A. Palella
SAN DIEGO, California
cell: 619-787-5767
email: dpalella@san.rr.com
email (backup): carbonmanna@gmail.com
Carbon Manna Unlimited to Present at Kenyan Business Conference
"One Cell Phone per Child" Grand Challenge Announced by CarbonManna(C) Unlimited
Carbon Manna(C) Unlimited Announces Solar Manna(C) & Forest Manna(C),
and Filing of a U.S. Patent Application for the Cell Phone-Based
Carbon Micro-Profit-Sharing System
World's First Cell-Phone-Based Carbon-Micro-Credits Implementation
Progressing in Kenya
Want an extra $250 a year? Adopt fuel-efficient stoves
Kenyan farmers could reap from carbon trading
Personal carbon trading
I will be/was a speaker or keynote speaker at:
2nd Kenya Diaspora Int'l Conference & Investment Forum
20-22 August 2009, Atlanta, GA
"Microfinance for Institutional Investors"
21-23 Sept. 2009, Washington, DC
Green Business Africa Summit & Expo
June 2010, Nairobi, Kenya